Thursday, March 6, 2008 bulk download

We've been listening to Sonny and Sandy over the past couple months. When Mr S first found the Podcacher and Geotalk podcasts - I couldn't believe it when he said they went for 30-60 minutes. What on earth could they talk about?? But now I'm hooked, and have started listening to Podcacher's archive from their first show in 2005. I've been spending 2-3 hours a day in the car to/from work lately, so they've been great to help pass the time.

I have been manually downloading each show from the blog, getting a few at a time .... but almost always end up with half a trip with no shows left to listen to, and nothing else at hand either. I just discovered a big bonus - how to bulk download all the all old shows - see here. We've now got all of 2005 and 2006, and I'll save 2007 for our off-peak download times. When they're done, I'll catch up with Geotalk too.

1 comment:

Sonny and Sandy said...

We're glad that you're enjoying the shows! Thanks for listening!